Frequently asked questions

Subscription: Is it a good idea to buy a subscription?
Yes. When you need a website built by us or any other service, a subscription is recommended to update and fix any issues that might come along the way.
Tell me about the commision
After giving all your details as a partner of SpaceCommerce, for every transaction you will keep 80% of each amount.
How do I get paid?
In the case of a service price between £5 and £300, 80% of the full price will be sent within 24 hours. Otherwise, it will take 7 days for you to receive the full amount if the price ranges between £301 and £950. Please use our help and support page if you have any questions
Can I host my website with spaceCommerce?
YES, To launch your site live, you can use our recommended hosts. Our team will assist you and ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Buying services - how do I do it?
Log in and create an account, if you do not have one. then proceed to the page. Click Hire now after selecting your service. We will get in touch with you as soon as your order has been completed
SpaceCommerce? Who are we & What we do?
A platform focused on providing services that best contribute to the growth of you and your business.
Can I purchase a service without an account?
No. To purchase a service, you must have an account. Log in to your account, if you do not have one, activate your account then proceed.
Can I pay for only a service, without monthly plan or subscription?
Yes, you'll pay for what you use, but we recommend a plan so you can save more over time. In the case that you purchase a service with a plan, you can always rely on our team for repairs and upgrades on a priority basis.